Monday 16 March 2015

Sunrise and Sunset at Praiano by Sol Lewitt

Sunrise and Sunset at Praiano by Sol Lewitt

An artists’ book by LeWitt in which images of sunrises and sunsets, taken over the sea in Praiano, Italy, are arranged in grids, four images per page, over 30 pages.

Sometimes an artist’s book can serve as an outlet to create works atypical of the artist’s style.  Sol LeWitt was a pioneer in a movement to make artists’ books more affordable to publish.  This book, Sunrise & Sunset at Praiano, was commercially produced in order to reach a wider audience.  The sequence of photographs in grid format is taken near his house on the Amalfi coast.  The natural subject of this book contrasts with this conceptual artist’s typical geometric drawings.

Interesting to me that usually he is concerned with geometric drawings, I love nature and taking photographs in natural environments, I try to take myself into areas far form cities and towns as often as I can, I enjoy what little wilderness I can find, however when I photograph and when I view photographs and films I like to spot geometric and symmetrical objects within spaces, and within the frame.
These photographs in this book that I can see look quite nice; I would like to view this book. They aren’t so special to me that I would spend 170£ + on it, but it would be sure nice to view.

So far when I have made my own books, I have always kept the pages for just one photo per page, The last book I made the photographs I printed were at (from what I can tell) around the same size, but one to a page, instead of this grid the pictures are displayed in here. The grid is in direct contrast to the photos, the Grid suggests an order, an industrialisation and neatness, of the work; whereas in the photographs they are natural subjects and there is no order in nature.

His Geometric Work

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