Saturday 14 March 2015

Ceaser's Camp Refelection

After discussing this idea with my tutor I felt confident about pushing forwards with this project. However after shooting the pictures I presented them to my other tutor and I couldn't get across what I wanted to express with it. All I could say is that it was an interesting area to me. When I was asked why it was interesting I struggled to answer, and all I could say that it was interesting because this area is so diverse and it is so far removed from the city where I grew up and lived most of my life.

I felt that the images worked partially in a narrative order of my multiple strolls through the landscape, but also as a document of the Topology of the land.

She suggested I look into the history of the specific landscape to add more depth.

Notes from Tutorial:
look at history and maps and find if there are areas near there that are similar - is it about the aspect of it that is it man made
cant be just about an area that is special - why is it special?
need a focus
what is interesting about this area - look at other man made sites
need to pinpoint what I am doing
find a context
what was it before . why that location . why was it built . who has been there?
a sense of place

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