Sunday 26 April 2015

The Editing Process

I spent a day editing through my images to decide which ones to display, and how to display them. I edited through my prints so it was easy to move them around and see how they would play out on a wall.

I took a while to get a grid that I was happy with.
I liaised with Ellen Nolan for a large amount of wall space. I was considering displaying the A0 print I had, though I really wanted to save it for the Free Range exhibition as it takes up considerable wall space.
In reviews people say they see my 10x8s as part of a different series. I see them maybe part of a different chapter, but they are definitely pat of the same book. I went through those prints for a connecting edit too.

I like this edit, with the silver river leading into the heavens, and the path of it repeated in the print at the bottom with the path going through it. People who know the areas have commented on their strange aesthetic, they are backwards! Usually with film emulsion the photograph is viewable on both sides of the film, but with paper, it can only be viewed on one side, so the photographs are backwards. The sky swirls with an ethereal light; the ground is dark, oppressive, angry, aggressive. When I edit, I chose to have things different, I could have put the images with the ground at the bottom, the rivers in the middle, the sky at the top, but the series is representative of a dream, a dystopia, so it needed to be mixed up, adding to the unease of the 'chapter'.

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