Monday 27 April 2015

Untitled Kairos

Thanks to:

Jonna and Ben, for letting me store huge boxes with large heavy cameras, tripods, darkslides and general mess in your house and putting up with me, I am grateful beyond words for your patience. 

Jonna, Ben, James and Sammi, for helping me photograph with Nidhogg the beast. Carrying those annoying heavy tripods, helping me set up in windy rainy conditions, holding dark cloths and neg holders and all the crap that I needed.

Paul, Beytan, Dave, Peter, Ellen, Joy, Natasha, Matt and David for tutoring me, discussing my ideas with me, giving me advice on artists to research, helping me set up printers, managing the show, building the walls and lending me filters.

Ben and Jonna, for setting up my website and teaching me some basic html and for letting me eat all your food, drink all your tea & coffee, shower, and lending me tools and cameras as well.

Rich and Chris, for being my housemates travelling with me, giving me lifts and being poor and eating shitty food with me.

My parents for supporting me financially.

Terry Pratchett for writing some dope, hilarious, insightful books.

Jonna, Chris, Rich, James, Sammi, Amber, Hollie, Angus, Ellie, Aaron & y'll alcoholics for some crazy nights out and crazy nights in.

Simon, Susanna, Sam, Matt for drinking whisky with me, being sources of inspiration and keeping me motivated, even if I wasn't often sending you messages or coming to visit, I was thinking of you.

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