Sunday 26 April 2015

Professional Futures/Professional Practice Evaluation

My last CV


My new CV

After my meeting with Mr Watts in Careers, he suggested how to make my CV much better. He gave me advice on writing a covering letter and sent me some links to jobs to apply for. So I got on with updating my CV applied to the jobs. I wrote covering letters differing on what the job was asking for. I still do not feel confident they will lead anywhere but if you dont try you dont get anywhere.
The good points are it feels great to have clear careers guidance because back when I was on Jobseekers, I really wasn't getting anywhere, I didn't feel like the careers advisors there cared at all to actually get people a job, they just try to get you off Jobseekers allowance as soon as possible. However here I feel the staff are friendly and super helpful and are genuinely caring.

My start of the project doing Fashion Collaboration was great to give me some work to do for people instead of shooting and retouching for myself. I need to push myself into these things more, to network more and meet new people that might want me to work for them. 

I decided to have an online portfolio as it is the easiest quickest way to show people my work. It is easily accessible, in these modern times everyone has access to the internet 24/7 so it made sense to show digital work in a digital format. I do miss having prints though as I love the feel and look of printed paper. my online portfolio is here:

I made friends with a previous graduate of the course, he has helped me tons to get my website up and running, I am so grateful as it is something I feel is almost beyond me. It is great to see a graduate from the course succeeding in something after uni and gives me hope for myself.

My artist Statement is: 
A fairly diverse photographer in his career so far, coming from covering events, music concerts, working with models and shooting underwater photography; he is primarily concerned with aspects surrounding Landscape Photography: narratives and topology within the boundaries of social definitions.Currently continuing work surrounding land under both decay and development. He is also developing a photographic document surrounding his own life and the mundane idiosyncrasies’ within it.

It is the first page on my website and can be viewed here:

I learned from what we were taught, I wanted it to be clear, straight forwards and not have any waffle, of course I wrote it in the 3rd person, and bounced ideas off my contemporaries.

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