Thursday 19 November 2015

MA Photography - Time - Diary Relflections

Earlier in my photographic practice I have thought of the camera as my diary, and also contradictory, that photographing is as an event in its own right. Event happen, so I 'write them down' by using my camera. But often the act of photographing is more of an event than the object/scene that I am taking photographs of, so the photographs have a bland end result, often documenting plain events of nothing in particular. These photographs are almost unconsidered, but because they are almost unconsidered, almost pointless snapshots, they hold up that mirror to life. They show the world as it really is, in a most unstaged way. The staging is in the camera, but not the scene. But there will always be an element of staging, because one must make the choice what is in the frame and what is left out.
I find it interesting that I have gone from that use of solely a camera to record events in my life unsupported; to writing in a diary, an act I would usually be abhorred by, with which I hope to support my photographs and to give them context, a framework.
I also started the diary as another form of authorship over my work. Before when I was working I didn't feel I needed any added authorship to my images, perhaps shooting on such large format with a process that many wouldn't be able to accomplish and having such large negatives they were directly related to me. I personally loaded them into the darkslides, exposed them, developed them, scanned them, printed them, they were directly mine. I shot them in a style that is very me I suppose, but this project feels like it needs something to relate the pictures to my own personal life, the personal time in which small events are happening.

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